California doctors on probation as of 4-26-16

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According to the standard audit manual (1998)

The national audit System-SNA, established by art. 6 of law 8,689, July 27, 1993 and regulated by decree 1651, of September 28, 1995, covers the three levels of management that make up the SUS-federal, state and municipal level. Auditing activities, which complements other control bodies is subsidizing the process of planning the health actions, execution, technical management and qualitative evaluation of the results obtained.

In this vision, it is the preparation of the guidance document, guided by the accounts of the SNA, with general and conceptual aspects of the control, as well as the set of technical and administrative actions that make up this activity.

Aiming at the acquisition of the quality of the actions and services provided in the health field, the audit observed analytical action and operational investigation activities, focusing on a systematic and independent examination of an element of activity or the system, to define whether the health actions and their results, are agreed with direct provisions and with standards and legislation in force (standard AUDIT manual 1998).

The infection is acquired or transmitted in space throughout the hospital

Currently, 15.5% of hospitalized patients have some sort of infection. This condition alludes to high costs for the health system following the increase in the length of stay and additional diagnostic and therapeutic treatments (MARTINEZ; Campi; NOGUEIRA, 2008).

  1. According to Gastmeier (2009) this situation is associated due to long hospitalization, both in hospital and in intensive care unit.
  2. With the advent of antibiotics, doctors trusted that infections would disappear; However, the abuse through their use, resistant germs, increasing the problem.
  3. The only way to lessen this evil is by control and prevention, coordinated by a hospital infection control committee, which, although it is a requirement, only half of the Brazilian commission has this hospitals and still a minority carries out activities. basis of control, according to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health (CALVALLINI; BISSON, 2005).

The infection is acquired or transmitted in space throughout the hospitalThe Infection Control Commission in Health Services is a body that advises the clinical management of the unit, with the fitness control program of hospital-acquired infections, with the purpose of promoting community counseling and protecting clinical staff and the ‘hospital (EVORA, 2008).

Thus on January 6, 1997 6,431 federal law, which requires all hospitals to form the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Committee (CCIH) which will have to act in accordance with the program developed by the institution itself. The law also established the obligation to establish a Hospital Infection Control Program (PCIH), defined as a set of actions developed deliberately and systematically with the aim of minimizing the maximum incidence and severity of nosocomial infections (light; Martins , 2007).