The Wall St Journal reports that there has been some controversy with this product, as unlike other antiwrinkle shots–it stays in the body permanently. Some doctors worry that problems with ArteFill would also be permanent. The Wall St Journal:
Many doctors said they will wait and see how ArteFill performs before offering it to patients. It “has a somewhat spotty history in other countries and can lead to long term lumps under the skin that don’t heal unless they are injected multiple times with steroids or are excised,” said Joel Schlessinger, an Omaha, Neb., dermatologist who said he is an Artes consultant. Kenneth Beer, a dermatologic surgeon in Palm Beach, Fla, said: “I’m a little bit scared of it. After it’s out for a while, I might revisit it.”
Injections of plexiglas and cow hide? Long term lumps on your skin?…may be a good plot for a horror movie, Boo!