In Honor of Patients

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Tomorrow, July 25, you are invited to join patient safety advocates across the country in a moment of silence to mark the ninth annual Patient Safety Day. Its focus is on patients and families who have suffered or died from medical errors, and advocates who continue to speak out for safer, higher quality health care.

“As Congress tinkers with health care reform, lawmakers should listen to what a special group of advocates is trying to tell them,” wrote Patrick Malone on the Huffington Post.

“We need to clean up our hospitals. Hospitals should not keep these infections a big secret,” said one patient safety activist, Lois Daniels. Lois needs regular wound care for her multiple hospital-acquired infections that nearly took her life several years ago.

Patty Skolnik would like to see more physician transparency, so that patients can have access to lifesaving information about their doctor’s background. Patty started Colorado Citizens for Accountability after her son, Michael, died from multiple medical errors shortly after his 25th birthday. Due to her tremendous efforts, Colorado’s Governor Ritter proclaimed June 4th as Michael J. Skolnik Patient Safety Day recognizing that his “death was caused in part by lowered patient safety standards.”

Tomorrow, let’s recognize the work that’s been done and the work that can move us ahead.

Consumers Union hears personal stories from many patients who have been harmed by poor quality care looking to take action to keep other patients safe. We work with them to share their stories with those who ought to listen, like Congress.