New Hampshire

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State Disclosure Reports

  • Select from list below
  • NH Healthcare-Associated Infections 2009 Report

Consumers Union Documents

  • 2010 state patient safety legislation (February 9, 2010)

Policy and Legislation

  • 2010 state patient safety legislation (February 9, 2010)

Consumers Union News Releases

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Blog Posts

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Research and Reports

  • Why Not The Best? Comparative Reports on Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

    Users of can now search for and compare data for nearly 1,000 hospitals on the incidence of central line–associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs)—one of the most lethal hospital-acquired complications. The data show wide variation in CLABSI incidence, in spite of strong evidence on how to prevent them. The updated data is made possible through a partnership among The Commonwealth Fund, The Leapfrog Group, and Consumers Union.

    Source: The Commonwealth Fund (July 2010)

  • State Plans to Address Healthcare-Associated Infections

    Plans about what the states are supposed to be doing to eliminate hospital acquired infections.

    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (May 27, 2010)

  • Antimicrobial Resistance State Fact Sheets Map

    Link to map that highlights antimicrobial resistance issues at the state level.Source: Infectious Diseases Society of America

Partner Organizations

NH Patient Voices

NH Patient Voices
6 Fieldstone Drive
Bow, NH 03304
contact: Lori Nerbonne

Mission: To advocate for urgent improvements in patient safety and in gaining access to hospital quality data that will allow NH health care consumers to make informed decisions when selecting hospitals and treatment providers. We also raise awareness for and educate healthcare consumers about patient safety, infection & error prevention, and patients’ rights

User Submitted Links (4)

  • On April 2, 2009 Lori Nerbonne posted:

    Follow current bills concerning patient safety & patients rights in New Hampshire. Click on “quick search” under legislation and enter any of these bill numbers: HB 582 (adverse events)/HB 433 (funding for hospital infection reporting law)/HB 408 (relating to the duties of the Board of Medicine/ HB 572 (making pre-trial screening panels in med. malpractice cases optional)/HB 580 (relating to health info. & patients rights)/HB 438 (admission of medical bills as evidence)

  • On January 14, 2010 Diana Richard posted:

    Lori ~ I do have a personal story that is quite lengthy. More importantly, I would like to send you a copy of the email I am sending to Rep. Batula if you wouldn’t mind providing me your email address. Thank you. I hope we have an opportunity to meet and discuss this important work you are doing!

  • On January 15, 2010 Lori Nerbonne posted:

    Diana, Send me an e-mail @ [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you. Best, Lori

  • On September 13, 2010 Lori Nerbonne posted:

    NH Patient Voices website was launched on September 10th, 2010. Please visit us @