State Disclosure Reports
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State hospital reporting to become obsolete?
Hospital in Ohio–including the Ohio Hospital Association–are supporting the repeal of state law (House Bill 353) in which hospitals disclose their quality data online in the state database called Ohio Hospital Compare, reports Dayton Daily News.
Hospitals support repeal of data rule
The Ohio Hospital Association is backing repeal of a five-year rule requiring disclosure of hospital quality data on a state website, a step backwards for consumers looking for information about their local hospitals.
Research and Reports
Why Not The Best? Comparative Reports on Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections
Users of can now search for and compare data for nearly 1,000 hospitals on the incidence of central line–associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs)—one of the most lethal hospital-acquired complications. The data show wide variation in CLABSI incidence, in spite of strong evidence on how to prevent them. The updated data is made possible through a partnership among The Commonwealth Fund, The Leapfrog Group, and Consumers Union.
User Submitted Links (6)
On April 3, 2009 T Braunm posted:
Require hospitals to report their infections
On April 4, 2009 Carole Conti posted:
It is very interesting!
On June 21, 2011 MARY PAGELS posted:
Promedica owns Toledo, Ohio and since they have taken over control of all the area hospitals, quality has decreased drastically. Infection rates in these hospitals are horrible and reporting it to the state does no good. I personally caught a MRSA infection in Toledo Hospital last year during a catheterization. I complained that I thought the sheets on my gurney were not clean and the nurse told me it was just old stains that did not come out in the wash. They did the procedure out patient and within 24 hours, I had a huge blister at the entry site for my procedure. It took me being very persistent with my dermatologist to get this blister to go away and I was in a great deal of pain. After 3 doctor’s visits within 1 week’s time, the dermatologist finally agreed to give me an aggressive antibiotic therapy. By this time I was very sick and a horrible rash had spread over the entire area. She never agreed in writing that it was MRSA but a nurse let it slip that is what I had. I think the doctor was afraid of reprisals from Promedica. Unless you take control back from the accountants in this organization, these hospitals will continue to harm innocent people. It is only because I was persistent that I got well. Please help!!!
On December 13, 2011 Sharon borntrager posted:
Hospital reporting is necessary!
On December 13, 2011 Marguerite Felice posted:
accountability. we are talking about folk’s lives
On December 14, 2011 Robin posted:
Hospital reporting is a must, no turning a head on important disease, virus reporting.