Quick Steps for Searching Hospital Compare Infection Information

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Central Line Bloodstream Infection Information Now Available for Hospitals Nationwide

Instructions for Finding Out About Your Hospital:

The Department of Health & Human Services is now disclosing for the first time information to compare central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) in intensive care units at hospitals across the country. Three months of CLABSI information for each hospital is posted on the federal Hospital Compare web site and will be updated quarterly. The web site will provide rates for other hospital-acquired infections in the future.

To get the most information from this new data:

1. Go to
2. enter a zip code and select “Find Hospitals”
3. Check 3 hospitals to compare, then select the green “Compare” button
4. Select “Patient Safety measures” in the left column
5. Scroll all the way down to “New” “Healthcare Associated Infections”
6. Select “view graphs”
7. The graph will show if your hospital had zero of these infections or is worse or better compared to similar hospitals nationally and statewide. The “SIR” numbers tell you how much worse or how much better.