What are the reasons to explain the disproportionate number of specialists and the devaluation of the general practitioner?
The great propaganda of media specialized in the treatment of diseases to which the public is subjected daily. The patient has become accustomed to seeking a specialist for any health problem.
The pressure at the administrative level to build large tertiary hospitals.
- Considering that the general practitioner is not well prepared, assuming that he practices only with the knowledge of a bachelor’s degree, sometimes with a low academic level.
- The lack of preparation structures, similar to where the specialist is prepared, to prepare general practitioners with postgraduate degrees, as happens in countries with good medicine.
- The lack of a national system of general medicine with well-prepared doctors, as a broad base of the health system, to which medical school graduates would be interested in belonging.
In summary, the great scientific and technological advances have allowed a more efficient and capable medicine. With these great advances, it could be said that medicine has taken a gigantic leap, perhaps the most important of the 20th century.
If there were no danger that medicine, from being a humanitarian and social science, would become a market medicine, today this would be -without any doubt- one of the great advances of humanity. There are qualified voices, precisely where market medicine has emerged, that point to the need to return medicine to its traditional values.
Main problems posed by the evolution of Medicine and its teaching
Content: Origin and evolution of medicine. — II. Medicine as a science and as an art. — Ill. Medical teaching. — IV_ The basic sciences. — V. Hospitals and their role in the teaching, research and practice of medicine. – SAW. Professional specialization, group work, private hospitals. — VII. The pitfalls of the profession. — VII. Hygiene and preventive medicine. —IX. Some of our shortcomings and how to avoid them. The prologue by Eduardo Carasa is included.
It is part of the book: Rojas, Nerio; Araoz Alfaro, Gregorio and Bernardo A. Houssay (1928) “The formation of the medical spirit: intellectual guide of the medical student” prologue by Eduardo Carasa. Buenos Aires, Argentine Medical Circle and Medical Student Center, 139 p.
Assertive communication in the field of medicine has optimized care for our patients. However, misinformation and the invasion of technology in the different aspects of our daily lives have brought plausible consequences and others not so much.
Despite this, there is hope that through learning and awareness of the true power of the written and spoken word, care for our patients can be made a pleasant experience both for them and for us who are like doctors, the essential pillars to achieve your well-being.