Rhode Island

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State Disclosure Reports

  • Rhode Island Hospital Quality Data
  • Rhode island MRSA Bloodstream Infections

Consumers Union Documents

  • State Hospital Infection Public Reporting Laws

    Summary of state laws hospital infection reporting laws.

Consumers Union News Releases

  • Rhode Island Rated Among Worst In Nation For Failing to Keep Patients Informed About Bad Doctors

    From a review of state medical board websites.

News Articles

  • Information about Rhode Island ICU Collaborative
    Source: Healthcentric Advisors (Tuesday January 7, 2014)

    “The collaborative aims to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes for adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients in the state, through the development of a unit-based patient safety program and the implementation of proven evidenced-based practices, leading to a reduction in ICU length of stay, complications and associated costs.” Latest outcomes available here: http://www.healthcentricadvisors.org/images/stories/documents/2012%20annual%20performance.pdf

  • Study Shows Where MRSA Colonizes on the Human Body

    A new study from Rhode Island Hospital now sheds light on both the quantity of MRSA at different body sites and the relationship between the quantities at different sites.

  • Disciplined Docs Practice Freely In State
    Source: CT Health I-Team (Monday December 6, 2010)

    A C-HIT review found that Connecticut often takes no action against doctors who are disciplined in nearby Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York, in contrast to medical boards in those other states, which are quick to impose their own reciprocal sanctions after Connecticut takes disciplinary action.

  • Infection rates fall at Rhode Island ICUs in joint effort
    Source: Providence Journal (Sunday December 5, 2010)

    The Rhode Island ICU Collaborative, recorded significant drops in two types of especially deadly infections in the 23 intensive-care units at the state’s 11 acute-care hospitals. In more than half the units, these infections were eliminated altogether for six consecutive months.

  • Kent Hospital (RI) settles suit with Woods family
    Source: The Providence Journal (Wednesday December 2, 2009)

    James Woods, his mother and the hospital president announced the withdrawal of the lawsuit and a new joint effort by the hospital and the family to improve patient care.

  • Rhode Island hospital ordered to have camera’s in operating room.
    Source: The Today Show; NBC (Tuesday November 3, 2009)

    Consumers Union Safe Patient Project Director Lisa McGiffert comments on wrong site surgery.

Research and Reports

  • Information about Rhode Island ICU Collaborative
    Source: Healthcentric Advisors (Tuesday January 7, 2014)

    “The collaborative aims to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes for adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients in the state, through the development of a unit-based patient safety program and the implementation of proven evidenced-based practices, leading to a reduction in ICU length of stay, complications and associated costs.” Latest outcomes available here:

  • Department of Health Issues Compliance Order to Rhode Island HospitalThe Rhode Island Department of Health cites Rhode Island Hospital for surgical errors; the full deficiency report, indicating failure to follow standard safety procedures, and compliance order can be found at: