Survivor turned movement leader: Meet Alicia

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Alicia Cole, an actress and hospital infection survivor, last Friday launched her own initiative to finally pass an infection reporting law in California. Visit her website:

After experiencing a life threatening hospital infection herself…

Cole now advocates nationally for better infection prevention safety standards and requiring hospitals to make public their infection and death rates. “Consumers have a right to know if there is an infection problem at their hospital. When we choose a restaurant it is not just based on reputation, but by the letter grade for cleanliness in the window. We should be able to make the same informed decisions about our healthcare.”

Both SB158 and SB1058 would require public reporting of hospital acquired infection rates, as well as screening for the ‘superbug’ MRSA and improved hospital cleaning practices. California currently lags behind 22 other states which have laws requiring public reporting.

Cole, who is still healing and undergoing daily hyperbaric oxygen treatments, is urging fellow survivors and family members of victims to contact their legislators and ask them to support these bills.

Thanks Alica for the great work to pass real reform for hospitals in California!