Tennessee flag Tennessee Activity (12 items)

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Policy and Legislation

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  • VA officials get probed for using non-sterile instruments on patients (July 2, 2009)
  • Former skeptic believes in preventing hospital infections (February 19, 2009)


  • Infection concerns spur more checks of medical equipment

    Spot inspections at three Veterans Administration hospitals last month revealed that instruments used in colonoscopies and endoscopies were not properly disinfected, potentially exposing veterans to HIV and hepatitis.

  • Chattanooga: Bacterial infection growing stronger

    Though c. difficile infections are not tracked nationally or at the state level in Tennessee, Georgia or Alabama, a new study shows that the incidence is higher than expected.

  • Errors don’t warrant pay, insurers say

    As the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services moves to deny Medicare payments for conditions caused by hospital mistakes, hospital executives here are watching private insurers in Tennessee and nationwide follow suit.