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The amendment of Article 37A of the criminal code is strongly opposed by the entire medical community, since this provision can also be applied in cases of so-called medical errors. Due to the nature of the professional activities undertaken in order to save the life and health of deca durabolin cutting stack their patients, doctors are a professional group that is not free from the risk of criminal liability. Although a doctor who has committed a medical error must bear the consequences of his act, the penalty imposed should be fair, appropriate to the degree of fault, the circumstances in which the act was committed and the attitude of the doctor.

The court must therefore be left with wider discretion in the application of the sentence of liberty, renaissance hospital terrell” it added.

The renaissance hospital terrell president also noted

The NRL president also noted that in the era of the coronavirus epidemic, doctors are on the front line of the fight against the threat, risking their lives and health and the health of their families. “On many sides, we are met by doctors with unparalleled gratitude and selfless sacrifice. People of goodwill donate money to medical institutions fighting covid-19, we receive in-kind assistance in the form of personal protective equipment, free meals for health workers go to hospitals. Similar examples of gratitude for our actions could be multiplied. There are countries, including, for example renaissance hospital terrell.

The United States, where doctors and health care workers have special legal regulations exempting them from responsibility for actions taken during the epidemic. Therefore, it is incomprehensible to us why, during such a difficult period for doctors and renaissance hospital terrell the whole society, the criminal liability for possible medical errors is being increased.”

In the discussion about whether a patient can accuse a dentist of having contracted a Coronavirus in the office, some refer to court case law, which relates to a completely different situation. Ewa emphasises that the risk of coronavirus infection cannot be compared to hepatitis or other infectious diseases transmitted by other means than droplets.